Hi there to all those who are reading. If you don't already know me (perhaps my local celebrity status is not as widespread as I had previously thought...?), my name is Matt Chamberlain, and I am the Winter Intern at the Cole Harbour C@P Site. As we are having a few issues with the network here at our C@P Site, I feel this is an opportune time to talk about myself.
It was a chilly day in Autumn, the leaves stopped falling, the wind in Ottawa calmed, and certain urban legends claim that Brian Mulroney himself shed a single tear, knowing what this would mean for his poor country.
Matt Chamberlain fun fact: he sent a letter to the Prime Minister (Jean Chretien) when he was a child to tell him personally about his plan for a system of tubes to connect to the smoke stacks in Dartmouth to some sort of (albeit poorly conceived) energy-harnesser.
Fun fact #2 (you will be quizzed later): he once had a nature club (free membership which was quite a deal for the members, though no events/administration/point made it destined to fail in the long run), to which he invited several people, including family friends, employees, and the Admiral of the Navy (cool kid).
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