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Friday, February 18, 2011

Prospect Road Community Centre Premiere Screening

Hi All;

I wanted to see if anyone out there will need a ride to the screening on March 6th...
Jeremy will be leaving from the Chester area and will likely have 3 seats
I am leaving from North End Halifax and we will have 3 seats
Karen will be leaving from Cole Harbour and she will have 3 seats

If there are enough interested, we will look into renting a van. Please try to carpool as much as possible :)

Thank you, have a great weekend everyone!



  1. I definitely hope to snag a seat, coming from the Halifax area, if there are any available.
    If we have enough interest from the students, I can probably find another way to get there!

  2. Hey,

    I'm coming from the Cole Harbour/Woodlawn area so if I could grab a ride with Karen that would be great.

  3. I plan to attend, but I'll have my own car. Thanks!

  4. We made arrangements to carpool down for those of us who are coming from Spencer House, but thanks!

  5. Hi Glen - just sent you a msg about Sunday's travels...just email me back and let me know what works best for you!
