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Friday, February 11, 2011

Usage Based Billing

Has anyone been following the usage-based billing issue lately?

I understand that due to both public and political opposition the CRTC is now open to comments and suggestions from Canadians about the issue. I'm curious to see what they come up with. I'm also curious to see what you guys think about it. I feel the move is pretty anti-competitive and creates an oligopoly. It pushes the smaller ISP's to engage in UBB to stay alive among the top telecoms. Canada's bandwith caps also harms the digital economy and prevents innovation in the Canadian market; take Netflix for example.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree and have been following it. I also signed the petition that was going around. It's insane to believe that anyone would think that this could be a good move for canada. Business and private citizens would all be effected by this in negative ways. There are many countries that have many more people than canada does with even cheaper internet. Arg! It just drives me insane!
