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Friday, July 30, 2010

In this one horse Town

Unfortuntly there are no horses in Sheet Harbour but there are a few just outside of Sheet Harbour. My cousins and used to have horses but they were all sold when we went to post secondary institutions (even our cows were sold) cause there was no one to look after them. Anyway what I was trying to say is that very little happened this week in the community.
We had a few people come in to book classes for next week which is great. we had a movie night on wed. which only three children showed up (I believe that Delaney got that idea from one of the blogs). I had to make a house to help someone with a PowerPoint they were creating for her daughters wedding on Saturday.
Have a fun long weekend

Beaver Bank Community Centre Fire

Here are a few pictures of the sadly departed Beaver Bank Community Centre, September 2009, courtesy of Dan's Facebook.

The CAP site was behind this wall.

The Main door of the Centre - To the right front is the Volunteer Policing Office I used to also work at. Behind that, on right, was the CAP site
There was a second computer site on the top floor where I taught a lot of one-on-one lessons.
Day after, still smoldering

The night of the fire.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blog Challenge 4


Since I've seen that a few people here have been designing pages based on Joomla, I thought it would be useful to share some information I have found regarding improving load times of pages. I found that the base install and subsequent modifications could lead to a very slow loading site. Anyway the link is here:

The major points to look at are the optimization of the SQL tables, caching in Joomla, and Gzip compression. Check it out, it made a HUGE difference!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Challenge #4: Making Use of Your MP

This week's Challenge? Let your voice be heard.
If you believe that CAP should continue after March 31st, 2011, why not speak to your MP about it? Write a letter asking them to voice your concerns in the House of Parliament. It's amazing what a short letter can do!

(This Example shows the letter Halifax West's MP wrote once this issue was brought to his attention)


We have decided to have a movie night every Wednesday in the public Library's activity room that is next door to the C@P Site. we will be choosing older children's movies that we would of watched along with newer movies. there will be free popcorn as well. So that is our poster.
Have fun,
Brittney and Delaney

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sorry, you suck at typing!

I came across this article on the net while investigating how to implement pretty 404 pages in Joomla! (check it, It is a pretty interesting article about the etiquette towards your site members when the search engine (or lets be honest, the user themself) makes a boo-boo and types a bogus filename. It's a good read, check it out!

Friday, July 23, 2010

CAP Scrabble

So me being the champ that I am remembered to bring paint and bristol board to work but did not remember to bring a camera to document my beautiful creation.. To ensure that the world didn't miss out on this master piece I returned to work after hours to take my pictures, hence the late post. Okay so I have little to no artistic ability but I tried so don't laugh too hard!

very bad videos and this week in Sheet Harbour

the above video is of our whale watching. there is about a minute of very bad recording before the whale shows up but hopefully you'll enjoy the video. to take a look at my pictures of the trip you can find them on Facebook. Last Friday was a lot of fun.
This week has been quiet and we have an interesting (and confusing) story which Delaney is writing about ( I can hear her giggling as she types the story). The only thing that really happened this week other than her story and the story i'll be writing later is poor uncle (he's not really my uncle just a family friend) Max asking us the same questions yesterday and today and just about everyday he comes to the C@P site. Max is a nice old man who last year brought us homemade chocolate fudge (yum). Okay another thing about uncle Max is that he left us a challenge that we would like help with he said we can't look it up online but didn't say anything about ask friends about it. the challenge is: what is the rabbit in red? (his hint was something to do with Bugs Bunny) i seem to recall bugs singing "a rabbit in Red" or something like that. Can you help us?
Anyway my story is more of a rant than a story. Last night during a mother and her two kids came into the C@P Site at about 15 to the closing time (which since she is a regular she would know the closing times) at about 7:58 I let Delaney go home and told the mother that we close in two minutes she said that she just need to finish what she was doing so I figured she'd be done in like five minutes fifteen minutes later she finally finishes (with me in the background tapping my feet and reading Shakespeare) and leaves without saying Thank You or anything and her kids leave the borrowed headphones for me to pick up! How rude! after I let her stay longer! well i won't be doing that again.
Anyways thanks for reading my blog and have fun

Does anybody know a Shirley?

Maybe it was our whirlwind of crazy weather yesterday, or just Sheet Harbour! but I received a rather interesting phone call...
Yesterday afternoon the job search services phone rang. Since the lady who regularly answers the phone is currently on vacation it is the responsibility or Brittney or I to answer. Unfortunately for me, I chose to answer the phone... The call went like this:

"Job search services, Delaney speaking"


"This is Delaney, Dawn is off on vacation right now" (I quickly realized that it was an elderly women on the other line, as she continued to yell in the phone, and this women did not have a pleasant voice ...)


"Dawn is the lady who works for job search services, she would normally take this call"

"Well I had a call about a women who wanted to look after me but I wrote down her phone number wrong, her name was Shirley"

" Okay well do you know anything else about her?"


"No, i'm sorry I don't"


"No, sorry. You will have to wait until Dawn gets back from vacation, she will be in on Tuesday"

" WELL NO, I need to call her back today, isn't there anybody there who knows a Shirley lookin for a job?"

"Hold on one second"

Well that was my conversation with the lady, I then gave the phone to Brittney, who took the ladies name (which was Denise) and then told her that she would have our supervisor call her back in a minute. When we got off the phone and told the story to Maureen she said that the lady had a job posting here looking for someone to be a caregiver for her. I'm assuming this woman was in her 80's or 90's.
Now, this all ended in a very confusing way! Turns out Denise and Shirley BOTH had job postings on our board, but they were both looking for the same thing, a caregiver. Shirley misunderstood Denise's posting and called Denise to be Shirley's caregiver. Meanwhile Denise thought she was applying for the job as her caregiver, and poor Shirley thought she was hiring somebody for herself!

I hope everybody understands my story, It was hard trying to make it make sense to others!
Other then that nothing exciting has really happened at our site this week. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Delaney Kennedy :)

Challenge #3 Entry - Keegan Moser

This week's challenge gave us something to ponder, as we weren't really sure where to advertise in our small community that would be noticeable. However, as Saturday is Moser River Day (local festivities that celebrate our community organizations), we decided that it would be a perfect venue for our advertising efforts. We decided to construct an entry for the parade, advertising our C@P Site. It took a bit of time, but since Deanna and I both live very near our site, we were both able to work late some evenings with little or no inconvenience. Unfortunatley, we do not have the trailer that we will be using to tow it yet, so there are no pictures of the 100% completed float. We do have many pictures of the individual elements,however, both completed and under construction:

Monitor in progress

Completed computer

Close-up of the Mouse

Close-up of the keyboard

Close-up of monitor (Over 9000 points to anybody that can explain what version of windows this is supposed to be)

Close-up of our Word Document (Pretty sure it's Word 2000, so it's only ten years out of date)

Close-up of the tower (I think Dell should send us something for the advertisement)

Credit to Deanna for the keyboard detail!

Yay! Success!

We'll upload pictures of the actual parade as well, once it happens.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Second Round of Summer Camps at the ROC

Hey Everyone,

The second round of summer camps was held at the Resource Opportunities Centre over the course of yesterday and today (July 21 to 22, 2010). The Theme this week was "Pirates" Yesterday the participants were treated to various pirate themed games and crafts. The day ended with a "Cannon Ball Fight," but since large amounts of legitimate cannon balls are hard to come by in the Terence Bay area, we decided to use a much more fun and less dangerous alternative...Water Balloons! The mayhem was enjoyed by all!

July 22 (Today) got off to a different start than we originally planned due to the weather. However that did not stop the fun. The day campers were treated to more pirate crafts and games for the morning, followed by a trip down the SS Atlantic Interpretation Centre to go on a scavenger hunt. After that the campers were treated to the feature film "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" After that the sun came out and the day campers went outside to enjoy the nice weather.

A Walk.

This Tuesday morning, I had the pleasure of rejoining some of my Beaver Bank Senior friends for a walk to Second Lake in Sackville. The morning was extremely muggy and hot, but under the tree-cover it was like a whole other world- shady and cool.
I joined Rae, John, Ann, and Marion for a trek through the woods that lasted about an hour and was full, as always, of enlightened conversation. I was brought back to my past two Summers spent in Beaver Bank with the 'Keeners' as they call themselves, (rather than Seniors) and all of the wonderful times we had.
So, when Rae, who is the Treasurer, and unofficial 'head' of the group, asked me if I'd like to continue joining them throughout the Summer for weekly walks, run a few GPS events, and also correspond with them on their Organic Gardening Project (for which we successfully applied for a grant together last year), my answer was not surprisingly, YES!

I'll definitely keep sharing my Keeners stories throughout the Summer. They're an amazing group of people, and I'm extremely lucky to call them my friends. And maybe next week I'll dig up a few pictures of the horrible fire that took our community centre away. But for now, I'd like to just keep it light and scenic with these lovely pictures from our morning in the forest!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Whale of a Tale

Now with more whale and less tale! Here are some of the shots I took while we was out on da wahda, watchin' da whales.

The journey begins.

Sound advice.

Leaving Halifax behind us.

I somehow forgot to take a picture of our boat, but we boarded her: the Sea Tiger.

On board.

Chillin' wit' da crew.

Fellow sailors, only with actual sails.

We weren't the only ones touring the harbour that day.

From above deck.

Georges (but not George's) Island.

The crew of HMCS Charlottetown.

With some not in uniform, or maybe a tour?

Amid the vast expanse...

Hark! A seal! Or maybe a piece of trash...

Who can say for sure?

The Harbour Queen, out for a stroll.


Intrepid whale watchers.

Ah, the bliss of watching whales...

Spotted! It's no white whale, but Ahab would be proud.

"Weeeeeee're Seeeeaaaaaguuuuulllllls!"


Our sister ship.

100% authentic sea life, now playing in a cooler near you!
