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Friday, July 23, 2010

Does anybody know a Shirley?

Maybe it was our whirlwind of crazy weather yesterday, or just Sheet Harbour! but I received a rather interesting phone call...
Yesterday afternoon the job search services phone rang. Since the lady who regularly answers the phone is currently on vacation it is the responsibility or Brittney or I to answer. Unfortunately for me, I chose to answer the phone... The call went like this:

"Job search services, Delaney speaking"


"This is Delaney, Dawn is off on vacation right now" (I quickly realized that it was an elderly women on the other line, as she continued to yell in the phone, and this women did not have a pleasant voice ...)


"Dawn is the lady who works for job search services, she would normally take this call"

"Well I had a call about a women who wanted to look after me but I wrote down her phone number wrong, her name was Shirley"

" Okay well do you know anything else about her?"


"No, i'm sorry I don't"


"No, sorry. You will have to wait until Dawn gets back from vacation, she will be in on Tuesday"

" WELL NO, I need to call her back today, isn't there anybody there who knows a Shirley lookin for a job?"

"Hold on one second"

Well that was my conversation with the lady, I then gave the phone to Brittney, who took the ladies name (which was Denise) and then told her that she would have our supervisor call her back in a minute. When we got off the phone and told the story to Maureen she said that the lady had a job posting here looking for someone to be a caregiver for her. I'm assuming this woman was in her 80's or 90's.
Now, this all ended in a very confusing way! Turns out Denise and Shirley BOTH had job postings on our board, but they were both looking for the same thing, a caregiver. Shirley misunderstood Denise's posting and called Denise to be Shirley's caregiver. Meanwhile Denise thought she was applying for the job as her caregiver, and poor Shirley thought she was hiring somebody for herself!

I hope everybody understands my story, It was hard trying to make it make sense to others!
Other then that nothing exciting has really happened at our site this week. I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Delaney Kennedy :)

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