So, maybe it's the heat, but I thought about it today and found it pretty funny how "Sketchup" sounds like Ketchup.
Therefore, why not Sketchup Ketchup?
This week's Challenge, Due for posting by JULY 16TH, (more like JULY 14TH, because CAP Day is the Thursday and Orientation is the Friday) is to Use Google Sketchup to create something Ketchup-y and cool. Sketch up a Ketchup bottle, what you like to eat with Ketchup, tomatoes...anything Ketchup-y. It's all in good fun, and for a good reason.
This Summer's NSCAP Contest (with PRIZES) involves Google Sketchup, so you all need to get practicing! That's about all I can say about the Contest right now, but it's good enough reason to fiddle around with a drawing program, get better at it, and have some fun!
Turnout for the last challenge, although very well-done (Thanks Keegan!) was DISMAL. I think we can get a lot more participants this time! The submissions should be pretty interesting to look at! The winner will be the most creative and detailed exploration of the Challenge Concept.
So, ketchup it up and post your pictures with an explanation when you are done!
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