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Friday, July 2, 2010

HRM Summer program training!

Every year HRM uses the Lake Echo Communty Centre and the CAP site as the location of their summer program training for HRM employees from Cole Harbour to Musquodoboit harbour. The training ran all day Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
I decided to bring my Camera to take some shots of all the 'action'.

The program planning session in progress

A game where you have to guess what was written on your headband using hints from the other players, looked like fun!

A really cool team building game called Toxic Waste held in the CAP site.

Another team building game where everyone has a place on a large loop of string, the instructor would call out a shape and the group would have to work together to create it with the string... the catch was that nobody was allowed to talk!

Doug, one of the program managers cooking up some grub!!!

IT was a pretty fun couple of days for everyone involved, I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great time!

    I miss this kind of stuff most about Beaver Bank - interacting with all of the other groups and people using the community centre.
    Thanks for sharing!
