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Friday, July 16, 2010

I Bet You Were Expecting Ketchup

hey everyone,

this would normally be the place where you'd see my drawing of a ketchup bottle or something, but I have yet to fully figure out the awesomeness that is Google Sketchup. I played around with it a little bit throughout the week and figured out how to draw squares and circles and all that, but nothing cool came of it as of yet...just need to tinker around with it a bit more I guess and then I'll have it figured out.

So, instead of ketchup, I will give you an update as far as what has happened this week at the ROC.

We had many people come into the Resource Opportunities Centre to do several different things, but the highlight of the week was Movie Night.

Movie Night!

This week was an off week for the day camps at the ROC but that meant that Movie night was on! And it was quite the party for those who showed up last Thursday night. The two individuals who showed up to Movie Night at the ROC were treated to a showing of “Monsters vs. Aliens.” Pizza and juice was served and a good time was had by all.
Hopefully we’ll have more kids out to our next movie night which will happen on July 29, 2010 at 6pm. The Feature film will be “Kung-Fu Panda.” $5 gets you your movie, popcorn, juice and a slice of pizza! Yeah, it’s a sweet deal!

Looking Ahead to Next Week:

The second round of summer day camps will occur next week on July 21 and 22 from 10 am to 3 pm. The theme for this coming week is “Pirates at the ROC” (which should be great fun! Due to the popularity of the first set of day camps held on July 7 and 8, “Pirates at the ROC is FILLED TO CAPACITY!!! That’s always a good thing!
And that’s the kind of week it’s been here at the Resource Opportunities Centre.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun Brian! Wish I could hit up the movies for only 5 bucks :)
