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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I thought the title was clever...

So what would my C@P Site do with a flip cam? Well, in the words of that woman from the Simpsons, "won't somebody please think of the children!". Right on, voice actress, one of the things that I'd like to do would be to use it with the kids. Particularly during the February/Canada Games Break, I'll have some time with the kids, and I'd like to do some sort of group project involving the whole "lights, camera, action!" thing. My thought was something sports/Canada related that the kids could be given at the end of the week.

Secondly, one thing that would not necessarily be during my season, but rather the next season (the summer). As some of you may know, we do kids day camps during the summer (in fact, all summer). We often have people come in (such as the reptile guy from an earlier post) and the domino man that we'd love to have footage of. We give DVDs out to the kids during Claymation camp, and it would be easy and fun to put those on as well.

Tying in with the last point is the other day camps that are done in Cole Harbour Place, such as the dance camp, which do performances that could be recorded and shared, would be particularly fun! One idea I had for this would be to pick a camper to be the "camera guy/gal" and let them be the one to actually take the video, or to take turns, so that they get the experience out of it.

There are also some less kid-oriented things which we could use the camera for, particularly in that we currently don't have a functioning digital camera! Although the flip doesn't (as far as I know), take stills, it is possible using the camera to take stills from a video, which would likely be all we needed.

One final thought that I'd like to do would be to create a sort of 360 degree view of our C@P Site for the website. I think it would be really cool and useful!

Those are a few things I'd like to do with it given the opportunity, but I'm sure there's a lot more out there to do!

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