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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Some things

So, I've got two things to talk about today, one is something I've been up to, the other is just a cool article that I find pretty interesting.


So, first up, is something I've been helping two patrons with over the last couple days. Anyone wanna guess what? Well, its websites!

First up is the S.A.I.L. group, which I am helping develop their very first website,, which although is still in its infancy (ie, lacking any content!) will be filling up shortly.

The second is with a lady named Selina who has been in the C@P Site before for classes, and has recently been complaining that her site is too hard to update. We decided that I will implement a Joomla system (if you haven't heard me talk about it before, it is my favourite thing!) in order for her to be able to update easily ( Her original website can be seen here, and the new version can be seen here. They look the same, sure, but underneath is a system that she can edit, post to, etc. all by herself.


Second topic is something that I think any cellphone user, techy or otherwise, can appreciate, what the heck is 3G/3G+/LTE/WiMax/4G/other funky acronyms. It can be found on Engadget here. I found it pretty darn interesting, I think (at least some of) you will agree!

Thats it for me!


  1. I love Joomla as a content managing system. Especially if there's a lot of different people involved in the development. It helps you keep each page consistent with the original design. I'm using Dreamweaver on the Spencer House site just because that's how it's always been done. I actually quite like it because it allows you to mix java scripts and funky rollover effects better than in Joomla. But it is pretty tedious and can get messy.

    What program did she originally use to make it? Because I really like that javascript effect on top of the page (assuming done from adobe flash to dreamweaver?) Have you figured out how to add those flashy javascripts in joomla?

  2. The original is actually not JavaScript at all, its plain 'ol Flash. I may attempt to recreate it using jQuery (, a really awesome JavaSript library). I can't use the original flash because it can't be expanded (for example, with new menu items). Also, she uses her iPad quite frequently so it has to be compatible with that. I don't know exactly what the original creator used to create the site, she has since vanished off the face of the planet it seems.

    But agreed on the strong points of Joomla. And I wouldn't be worried about switching to Joomla, even if it is new for the others. Once people see how easy it is to add new content, they will definitely be won over!

  3. Oh, and one more thing, to add it to Joomla, it's just a matter of figuring out the JavaScript and adding the appropriate script link to the main template page, and voila!
