Hi everybody, I’ve also never written a blog or really even paid much attention to them before this and I’m not really a fan of writing “About me” columns so this might not be very good. My name is Ashley Thomas, this is my second summer working at the Resource Opportunities Centre (Terence Bay CAP Site) and I’m glad to be back home and working in the community this summer.
In September, I will be entering into my second year as an arts student at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton Campus. My first year of university was very bumpy for the most part; I started out as a Kinesiology student but applied for an internal transfer for the winter semester. I changed programs because I didn’t agree with the required courses and really didn’t end up liking Kin very much. I decided to transfer to the Bachelor of Arts program because in my first semester I became very interested in psychology and by the end of this upcoming year I’m hoping to be in the honors psychology program.
My interests include: swimming, camping, photoshop, fitness, Muay Thai, psychology and more.
This summer at the Resource Opportunities Centre, I’m hoping to put my enthusiasm for Photoshop to work to make flyers to promote community events and programs. I’d also like to put on a basic computer skills class for seniors along with some other tutorials for using Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.
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