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Friday, June 11, 2010

Matt Chamberlain - Cole Harbour C@P Site

Hello there all, my name is Matt Chamberlain, and I'm the intern for the Cole Harbour C@P Site. I'll try to keep this fairly brief.

My main interest is computers and technology, so the C@P Site is a great fit for me. I was here last summer as well, and so it is not too huge of a learning curve this time around. I will be at Dalhousie next year studying Computer Science.

I am going to be doing the day camps here at Cole Harbour Place, which will be in Lego Robotics, Claymation and Computers and Technology. I will also be doing a few other projects, such as getting the website up to snuff (my work so far is at, with the structural redo complete). I've also been doing one-on-one classes, once or twice a day.

As far as hobbies go, people are sometimes surprised to learn that I am quite interested in plants. It seemingly isn't often that technology and plants are two interests. My favourite types of plant are carnivorous plants and cacti. I have about 25 plants in total, as well as 10 cactus (Melocactus zehntneri) seedlings, with more seeds on the way. With respect to cacti, I am quite interested in their slow growing habits, and the fact that they take so much time and patience to raise them from seed to mature cactus, generally on the order of years.

I hope this gave you all a taste of me, without having to take a bite. We'll be seeing you.

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