Hello everyone,
It's sunny, and about 23 degrees in the Terence Bay on this Friday afternoon. So all of our normal patrons appear to be enjoying the nice weather as they should be. That being said, things could change as the afternoon progresses.
I will now get to the main point my entry for this week. The following account is of a somewhat funny (though not at the time) incident that happened to me this morning...If you're still interested at this point, continue reading.
It was 9:00 am this morning and I had just arrived at the Resource Opportunities Centre to begin my shift. After the typical *opening up* procedures were completed, I noticed a sheet of paper laying on one of the tables we have in here, it was for something that we had accomplished yesterday and there was no reason for it to be in the public eye cluttering up the place. I could have just put the piece of paper in the recycling bin, but I noticed our "GBC Shredmaster" (known to the rest of the world as your average paper shredder) sitting in a corner of the room.
I then decide to shred this piece of paper, with the help of the Shredmaster, because I thought that would be more fun. I insert said piece of paper into the top of the shredder as per normal and the Shred master does its job and shreds said piece of paper. Everything appears to be going normally until the shredder did NOT shut off after it had completed its shredding job (normally it's supposed to shut off after it's done). Slightly confused at these abnormal circumstances involving the shredder I then come up with a list of solutions with the hope of solving this interesting problem.
Solution 1: Find the "on/off" switch on the shredmaster.
Outcome: apparently the shredmaster did not come with such a switch, so after realizing this I quickly move on to solution 2
Solution 2: unplug the shredmaster
Outcome: the outlet which the shredder is plugged into runs parallel to the side of a bookcase which is placed quite close to the outlet. There is also a pillar that juts out in the opposite direction. All of this creates a narrow L shaped space one must reach around in order to unplug the shredder....It was too narrow for me to fit my arm through so I quickly moved onto solution 3.
Solution 3: Ask GOOGLE for help
Outcome: GOOGLE was not very helpful for this situation. So I moved onto solution 4
Solution 4: Call the boss on his cell and see what he would do.
Outcome: no answer.
At this point the time was approximately 9:30 so the shredder had been whining for 20 minutes straight (fortunately it was not overheating ...yet...).
Suddenly, the door opens...in steps the boss. He says something along the lines of "Hey Brian! What's happening?" I then update him on the shredmaster situation. He resorts to "solution 2" in the "list of solutions" as he is able to reach around the L shaped corner between the bookcase and the outlet and unplug the shredder. Chaos was stopped...and nothing overheated...which was good!
After that 20 minute episode, things have been quite normal around here. Although, with a little under 3 hours to go...that could all change...you never know...
The Shredmaster has since decided to cooperate ...which is pretty much awesome....
Hope you were able to enjoy that!
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